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         Gross, E., I Knew Those Spies (Hurst & Blackett, London, 1940).
         Halsalle, H. de and Sheridan Jones, C, The German Woman and Her Master (T.Werner Laurie, London, 1916).
         Hankin, H., A Strange Death: A Story Discovered in Palestine (Public Affairs (sic)), New York, 2005).
         Haswell, C.J.D., British Military Intelligence, (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1973).
         - Spies and Spymasters (Thames and Hudson, London, 1973).
         Hennessey, T. and Claire Thomas, C, Spooks (Amberley, Stroud, 2009).
         Henry, Н., Marthe Richard l'Avenluriere des Maison Closes (Punctum, Paris, 2006). Herwig, H.H, 'Imperial Germany', Ernest May (ed), Knowing one's Enemies, Intelligence Assessment before the Two Wars (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NL-1984).
         Heymans, Charles S., La Vraie Mata Hari: Courtisane et Espionne,' Etoile (Paris, 1936).
         Hill, G.A., Go Spy the Land (Cassell, London, 1932). (Джордж Хилл. Моя шпионская жизнь. Олма-Пресс, М., 2000).
         Hinsley, F. H. and Simkins, C.A.G., British Intelligence in the Second World War (HMSO, London, 1990).
         Hirschfeld, M., The Sexual History of the Great War (Panurge Press, New York, 1934).
         Hoffmann, M., The War of Lost Opportunities (Battery Press, Nashville, Tenn., 1999).
         H?hne, H. and Zollig, H., The General was a Spy (Conrad McCann & Geoghan, New York, 1972).
         Honan,W.H., Bywater (Macdonald, London, 1990).
         Horne A., The Price of Glory (St Martin's Press, London, 1963).
         Horne, С.F., Source Records of the Great War, Volume III (National Alumni, USA, 1923).
         Hoy, H.C., 40 OB or How the War was Won (Hutchinson, London, 1932).
         James, W. J., The Eyes of the Navy: A Biographical Study of Admiral Sir Reginald Hall (Methuen, London, 1955).
         - A Great Seaman, The Life of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry F. Oliver (H.F. and G. Witherby, London, 1956).
         Jeffreys-Jones, R., American Espionage (The Free Press, New York, 1977).
         Jones, J. P., The German Spy in America: The Secret Plotting of German Spies in the United States and the Inside Story of the Sinking of the Lusitania (Hutchinson, London, 1917).

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