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         Starvation Faced By 15,000 Children; Czech Deputy Charges That Pigs Get Better Food in Some Ruthenian Districts. Region "Like A Cemetery" Poverty-Stricken.
         Farmers Sell Horses for 20 Cents, Cows for $3 Because of Embargo on Trade. April 4,1932, Monday wireless to the New York times. Page 10,-Jaro.p 16:53, 23 марта 2007 (UTC).
         Tauger M. B. 1991. The 1932 harvest and the famine of 1933. Slavic Review 50:70-89. http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/soviet.htm.
         Tauger M. B. 1998. Le livre noire du communisme on the soviet famine of 1932-1933. In: Wofgang Wipperman, et al., eds., Roter Holocaust? Kritik des "Schwarzbuches des Kommunismus", Hamburg: Lonkret Literatur, 1998:158-167. http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/soviet.htm.
         Tauger M. B. 2001a. Grain crisis or famine? The Ukranian, state commission for aid to crop-failure victims and the Ukranian famine of 1928-1929. In: Provincial Lanscapes. Local dimensions of Soviet power, 1917-1953. Raleigh D. J. (Ed) University of Pittsburgh Press. Pittsburgh, pp. 146-170. http://www.as.wvu.edu/history/Faculty/Tauger/soviet.htm.
         Tauger M. B. 2001b. Natural disaster and human actions in the Soviet famine of 1931 - 1933. The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies No 1506. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh. http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/crees/Paypal.html Tottle D. 1987. Fraud, famine and fascism. Toronto. Vernadsky G. 1944. A history of Russia. New Home Library. New York.
         Viola L. 1986. The campaign to eliminate the kulak as a class. Winter 1929-1930. Slavic Review. 45:513-524. Westview Press.
         Wheatcroft S.G. 1984. A note on Steven Rosefielde's calculations of excess mortality in the USSR, 1929-1949. Soviet Studies. 36:277-281.

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