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         171 Theodor W. Adorno et al., The Authoritarian Personality, New York: Harper, 1950.
         172 John Quinn, NewsHawk, 10 October, 1999.
         173 K. Lewin (1942), "Time Perspective and Morale," in G. Watson, ed., Civilian Morale, second yearbook of the SPSSL, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
         174 Turn off your TV, Lonnie Wolfe, New Federalist, p. 12- 13, 1997.
         175 Там же.
         176 Geoige Orwell, 1984, Signet 1961, 270p.
         177 Turn off your TV, Lonnie Wolfe, New Federalist, p. 13, 1997.
         178 Turn off your TV, Lonnie Wolfe, New Federalist, p. 14, 1997.
         179 http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts for features special editions/cb08-ffse03.html.
         180 www.pbs.org.
         181 John Chancellor with Walter R. Mears, The New News Business, New York: HarperPerennial, 1995.
         182 Jeffrey Steinbeig, The Cartelization of the news Industry, The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.
         183 http://www.cfr.org/about/membership/roster.html?letter=S.
         184 America's Strategic Repression of the 'Arab Awakening' Part 2, Andrew Gavin Marshall, globalresearch.ca, February 9, 2011.
         185 Aid & Abet, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 7.
         186 Laughland, John, Fill Full the Mouth of Famine, Scoop Independent News, July 29, 2004.
         187 Jeffrey Steinberg, The Cartelization of the news Industry, The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.
         188 Turn off your TV, Lonnie Wolfe, New Federalist, p. 34, 1997.
         189 Там же.
         190 Там же.

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